
Showing posts from October, 2020

Media Law - Introduction

Yesterday I had my first lecture of Media Law! The professor Miha Šepec was very fun and interesting to listen to. I did eat Carniolan sausages and drink two green teas with milk, but that's just because one needs sustenance 😊 This may or may not be professor dr. Miha Šepec 😋 Important information from the lecture: What is law? Law are a sort of restrictions that we've all agreed to follow, and if you don't follow them, there are sanctions, which is important, because law without sanctions, without realistic sanctions something that is notable has no power nor no meaning. The professor gave an example of, who would follow the parking law if the sanction was only 1€, to which his answer was pretty much noone. Law is a system of many different subsystems, or in other words just 'Law' doesn't exist, but what it does is it encompasses various law that are placed over various different aspects of life. Few that we've listed were:  - constitutional right; so how...