How to do Magic - An experiemnt with automatic article generator

I've been researching various ML techniques for analysing, creating and understanding texts, and along that path I've stumbled across various websites that claim they'll write an article on which ever topic you give them... So of course I gave them a topic "How to do Magic", because why not, right?

Here's what they created:

Magic does not belong to any one spiritual or religious path. These along with other traditions from around the globe have been passed down over the hundreds of years and are still very much in practice today. In the realm of Wicca, magical traditions have a tendency to be rooted in the hundreds of years old practices of the folk healers of Europe and also the ancient Hermetic philosophies rediscovered throughout the Renaissance. But while there are tried and true spells and methods that have been passed down over the generations, magic in Wicca is not at all a static art.

New spells and new approaches to magical manifestation arise all of the time, as those who're willing to practice and experiment find new ways of exploiting the natural energies that make up all of creation. Types of Wiccan Magic - There are various different types of magic practiced by Wiccans, from divination to ritual ecstatic dance to energy clearings to more hands-on workings like spells and dream pillows. Similarly, materials and ingredients utilized in magical work could come from just about anyplace, from jewel encrusted wands and cast iron cauldrons with wet stones and scraps of ribbon. Each practitioner has their very own style and personal preferences, as magic is ultimately a very personal art.

Nevertheless, there are a few forms of Wiccan magic that remain very popular among beginning and seasoned Witches alike: Candle magic is a fantastic starting point for anybody just starting to explore spellwork. Simple, elegant and straightforward, basic candle spells may help you build and strengthen your magical muscles. Your magical request is sent throughout the medium of the flame. As the candle burns, it disappears, leaving the material plane and uniting the ethereal one, carrying with it the message of the intention. This physical example of transformation is especially useful to beginning magicians, who can utilize it to help them visualize the manifestation process.

Crystal magic is a delicious way to become familiar with a few of Natures most beautiful and mysterious creations. Though they might be classified as inorganic, crystals are nevertheless understood by many Witches and healers to be alive, as they impart healing energy to individuals, animals, and even plants. The power of crystals along with other mineral stones is the same power inherent in other natural phenomena, like the wind or a flowing river. They're conduits of energy, and since thoughtor intentionis also energy, it may be harnessed and sent out into the Universe throughout the energy field of the crystals we choose to work with. Herbal magic is incredibly practicalin fact, much of it may be done with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Herbs are also probably the most versatile with regards to hands-on magic. You should use them to create your very own magical crafts, like spell jars, dream pillows, poppets, sachets along with other charms.


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