
By horse and wheel to travel far
Till journey's end a followed star
Harsh the road and sore the seat
Till journey's end and hearth-home meat.

Hearth and hallow, forging fire
Light the path and heart inspire
Torch of flame we hold on high
Guard the hall and burn the lie.

Lovers kiss and gift the hand
Lord's man shout and pledge to band
The gift is given back and thrice
In duty bound and honour's price.

Harvest in and cattle fed
Table full and blessings said
Peace and joy in life be ours
With ease-full days and golden hours.

Hands are lifted the Gods to praise
Blessings given to guide our ways
Protected be on ancient paths.
Keep homelands whole, and safe our hearths.

Victorious shines the sky-shield wheel
By sailors watched to guide their keel
Shed healing rays and lift our souls
Give courage strong to win our goals.

A god's right hand for Fenrir's demand
Honour proved at the wolf's command
Tir defend us when all is lost
And teach us to give sacrificial cost.

Birch mother goddess bringing hopes to birth
Show us our place and all nature's worth
Mystery enfolded and teacher of life
Keeper of doorways and Allfather's wife.

Rider and ridden, made one from the two
Both called together to work something new
Not earth bound but flying, spirit set free
So Odin rides Sleipnir along the world tree

Seed sown is rooted and nurtured for birth
New life beyond sight safe deep in the earth
Joy find in joining, sharing our pleasure
Harvest and ploughing, each in true measure.

Thank you, for being you


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