New era for my video logs

As you can probably see, I've made a step forward and will be showing more of my face and sharing more or my thoughts. Do note however that at the moment i have a bit of a backlog of videos, because i was having major troubles with editing videos from this camera, because it records in .AVI, which made it so that Premier only detected audio, and Vegas didn't detect anything, so... after a day of installing everything, probably some viruses too, I've managed to make it so that Premier still detected only audio, BUT Vegas detected only video. So... after few more days of smashing my head to the wall, I've finally found a .bat script that uses VLC to convert the video, although this process kinda fails for me because it gives me just audio file, which only Vegas detects, but Hey :), that's enough for me, now all i need to do is join them in Vegas, which does mean a bit more work, specially because the audio files are for some reason shorter than the video files. But i think I've finally mastered it, or at least made it work :). I do hope to log more stuff in the future!


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