Hello you! (again)

First of all, I want to apologise for my absence, more or less I've been lazy and mentally stressed, few things you might want to know, that have happened, since the last time I wrote!

I no longer work at Geberit (the factory I worked at, at the time of my last post), most because my student status ran out... But that meant, that I officially became unemployed, which isn't a good feeling, it's actually quite stressful to be unemployed, you're constantly trying to find job, and looking for a way to get money, since you still have to pay the bills, luckily I only had to pay my medical insurance and my mobile plan bill, because for the time being, I was staying at my parents' house, which is really big and nice, although not fully finished with construction, and I'm not sure if father is ever planning to finish it.

Before I lost my student status, me and my family went sailing, like for the last time, because these days it's kinda hard to get all of us together, since we're all at our own stuff, and my brother is on the other side of the world now, so that's something :D. On the sad note, before we went sailing, me and my SO have been having few troubles, because they've been unsure about the relationship, and have started seeing another person, and while I was sailing with my family, they broke up with me, which was really shitty... Specially because on that day we we're celebrating my father's birthdays, so I doubt, I'll forget that any time soon, or ever...

I was trying to get a job for three (or there about) months, although I did mostly look in my field (computer science), but it seems that if you don't have the university finished, they don't really want to hire you as a programmer or anything similar, so in December I decided to join a training course in Machinery and Metallurgy, I also shaved my head right down to the skin, and I sold my hair for about 40€ which in my opinion is quite a lot, although many say that for the amount of hair I had I could get much more money, but to be honest, I'm just happy I didn't need to pay for the hair cutting service :P.

There were 9 of us in the training course, although one dropped out in about a month or so. We started with theoretical part, which included drawing a lot of technical images, of different components, and after we drew about 30 of them, we had to return them to the professor so that he would grade them, and than he said that we'll draw probably 40 more images, at which point I got so annoyed of it, that I stopped drawing, although I knew, that I couldn't fail, even if I didn't drew another image, since my grades were good enough, that if I failed, I wouldn't fail the whole class, so yeah... :P . We had few other classes, but none was anything really specially, the most stuff that I learned was in the Materials class, where we talked about materials, their properties and stuff we can do with them, which was really cool. Like, did you knew that most professional knifes and blades go through a process where they get a lot harder, so harder that with them you can cut normal steel, but the downside of the process is that they get much more fragile, a lot of cool stuff. Closer to the end to the theoretical part we also had much more lessons in the workshops, where we actually got to use mills and lathes and such. And real close to the end we even got to learn how to weld with a lot of different devices and procedures, I was really happy we got to learn that, because somewhere in the middle of the "therm" we got to chose into which path we want to specialise, and I chose Construction Engineer (something like that), but because only two of us chose this path, we got added to the rest that chose, Machinery Engineer, which was cool too, but I personally thought that knowing how to program CNC machines is to easy, and knowing how to weld would be much more practical, so yeah, I was really happy that professor decided to teach us how to weld!

While attending the training, I've been sleeping very poorly, and I think my mental thing has also suffered a bit, if not a lot, and being a lone didn't really help much, but luckily I had my friends from Starks (a clan we made while we were playing Rust, we mostly talk via Discord), and they've kept me company, although I don't think anyone from them knows, what happened, or that I had an SO (lol), but I always enjoy they company and that's what matters, I've also made another friend that goes by the name Maxy, they're very cool, and very understanding.

My ex has been trying to contact me, but I was really unsure as to what to do, specially after being dumped so hard... ex's last words were: "Fuck off, I'm in a relationship", which is very brutal... But now ex want's to talk with me again, and start all over again, because apparently, ex's SO moved back to Russia, :O, who would have thought, that they wouldn't have worked out? (I knew, and I told my ex, what will happen before it happened, but ex never really listened to me...)

Maxy suggested that I don't talk with my ex, saying that I'm to good for them, and that they cheated and broke up with me once already, so they're bound to do it again, sooner than later, and to some extent I do agree.

Few months later, I'm now doing my practical lessons at a factory that makes valves, which is kinda cool, but the work can get quite monotone, and it's actually really dangerous, I've been working there for about a month and I already almost lost a finger :S, but luckily I only scraped my knuckles with the blade. After I finish this practical lessons, if the boss will be happy with me, I can sign a contract and start to work there and be actually paid (unlike now, although I might get some money for the food, maybe), I'm not really sure I want to work there, but I might have to, because it's kinda hard to find a job these days, although I do hope that with the education that I got from this training, I will be able to find a job much faster, if not, I'll be working here, just so that I make some money, and can sustain myself, or at least most of myself. Few people have recommended me to maybe go work as a truck driver, apparently that's a really cool job, and you're all alone most of the time, no loud machines and no one breathing behind your back, but we'll see, because if I want to be a truck driver I would need to get a driver's licence for the truck. And I'm getting my driver's licence for a car right now, which is actually quite expensive, but I think it's going quite well, and I hope I won't need too many hours to pass the exam, because I really don't want to throw away to much money for the exam.

Not sure why, probably because of stress and some other stuff (ex kept poping into my mind), I decided to talk with ex again, to see what they have to say, but I've decided that I will be very careful with my decisions this time around, and this is the last time, everyone deserves one more chance, but that's all. I hope everything goes well, but I won't anchor myself at least not here, not with them. No just because of what they did to me, but also because of few other stuff, that I'll maybe get to next time.


I sure have written quite a lot since last time, and there's still a lot to tell, like, I bought a Chromebook, on which this post was written, and I plan to write a lot more now that I have a much better media for writing than I had before.

Thank you for taking your time

Lots of Love
Mortuus :3


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