I'm writing something new, here's what I've written so far!

The title is Enigma, but that can of course change as I continue to write!


This is where the story ends…
And where it beings.

Why? Everything that is at the end is also at the beginning.

It’s just how things are.

Snow white hair and emerald green eyes those are the features of the beautiful pirate Mia.
She’s the last of the Vikings that lived north on a cold frozen island name Kha’Lu, she has nothing left but to leave the island and explore what’s ahead.
“Are you ready Freyja? I know I am”, said Mia as she pulls on a rope to tighten the small sail on her boat sailing away from her home!

She was not sad, she was excited!
She was not afraid, she was courageous!
She was not weak, she was strong!

The boat was quite small, barely big enough for three or five people, but luckily she was alone. With her she brought a lot of Ishwal; small circular biscuit shaped bread that’s made of special wheat that only grows on Kha’Lu, and due to growing is such harsh environment, it stores a lot of energy in its seeds, so that they can survive the cold, but that also means that the food made with it can feed you for a long time!

Ishwal is Mia’s favourite food, specially because the whole concept of constantly eating felt a bit mundane to Mia, but by eating Ishwal bread, she didn’t need to eat so often. As for drinks, she brought a block of ice…

Days passed without notice, and Mia was aware that she can’t live of of Ishwal forever, that’s why she did her best to catch any fish she could, and she had plenty of time to do so, as there wasn’t much else left to do on the boat, while she waited to reach land, any land.

With her Mia also brought few axes, swords, bow and arrows, shields, few other weapons and of course the sunstone, which was used for navigation, as it had a polarizing effect on the light from the sun which allowed Mia to determine approximately which direction she’s going! She also brought with her a pair of fluffy boots made from rabbit hide, few wolf hides and a robe made from white bear hide, that her father gave her…

Mia was a very good warrior, she was trained by her father since she was little, and she loved to help the hunters hunt for the food, she never missed an opportunity to put her abilities to the test and learn something new!

Her abilities were acknowledged by the council of the Ga’Mi, who were the experts at a lot of things, but their speciality was combat and survival in whichever conditions! Here she was taught how to hunt, kill and prepare a bear in at least 100 different ways! They were very thorough with their training, in a way they were like monks, isolated from the community, but still contributing the food and resources that they’ve gathered and don’t need themselves. Here Mia not only learned how to control her body, but how to control her mind as well.

She had no say in whether she wants to join the Ga’Mi, because to be recognised by the Ga’Mi brings honour to your family and you’re required to join them, or be executed for treason. They believed that if you don’t want to join them, you must be working for the enemy. Throughout her training, there were tears, there was pain, and there was anger. But this was just the way they trained you to become your best self.

But there’s no point in dwelling in the past, there are fish to be caught, is what Mia thought to herself before throwing a spear at a fish that just surfaced out of the sea. Well that's that for today, need to get some rest, have work tomorrow, and I doubt I'll get much sleep, since my ear is hurting so much that it's kinda hard to focus, but hey! Let's move on! Onto better things like sleep :P


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