Uuu, something new!

Here's a bit of a story I wrote today, it's quite different, but still similar in some aspects! I like it quite a lot actually!

Soldiers running  towards the setting sun, children screaming in the background, and all I could do was just stand there, and shiver in horror of what’s coming next,

Giant black figure flew towards the sun, completely covering it and thus making everything dark as if it was night.

Out of the ground sprung thousands and thousands of bony hands, some partially covered with flash, the whole ground was shaking, as these skeletons rose up from the ground.

Soldiers running away, screaming, panicking.

The sky is filled with arrows, even those soldiers that tried to run soon feel on the ground, pierced by an arrow. Only few of us survived, by huddling together and forming a turtle like shell with our shields.

Somewhat calmly, Mike asked: “So… What now?”, one of the soldiers named Mia , started to draw a circle, triangle, square and a pentagram on the ground and starts to chant, but is quickly interrupted by Bane: “You can’t do this, it will rip of your arm!”, “Not if I focus” replied Mia and continues to chant. “And besides, it’s not like we have any other option, it’s either this, or death to skeletons and clouds of arrows!” added Lisa.

Mia: “Dehinc ad domum, ubi patria est Lunaria. Velut reptilia, et super me et eos circa me iter in terra, sanguinem, et luto. Deorum mihi vires”

Earth, blood and mud below the soldiers’ feet starts to bubble and swirl, Mia shouts: “Grab onto me, and throw away your shields!”, As soon as they manage to throw away the shields, all the arrows start flying towards them and few almost hit Mike in the head, few moments later, they are pulled into the ground with incredible force, throwing a lot of dirt and mud into the air.

Lunaria is a small village with a well in the middle to the village square, mostly built out of wood and stone, but some of more important building like, shrine, school, barracks are supported with metal frames. The main attraction in the evenings is, of course, Treeinn, which is a local inn, which has multiple trees growing through it, supporting the whole building and just generally looking cool. At least that’s what the inn’s owner Sareena thinks.

The dirt road in front of the inn starts to shake and bubble, swirl, than out of the swirly mud are thrown 5 people, completely covered in mud!
Lisa a bit worried asks: “Mia are you okay, how do you feel? You seems to still have all of your limbs so that’s okay”, “Yeah I feel okay, just very very thirsty and hungry!” replied Mia.
“Well then you’re in luck! We landed right where we need to be, at the Tree~inn! Can’t wait to see Sareena again!” added Will, who’s already marching towards the inn. Others soon follow, Mia standing a bit and looking at the damage the spell did to the road, then walks to the inn, but drops on the ground, spitting a bit of blood out of her mouth, Lisa who notices this asks: “Are you okay? Do you need help?”, “Nahh, I’m okay, go and join the others, I’ll be right behind you.” replied Mia as she was getting back on her feet.


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