Does anyone even read blogs anymore? :D

Hello there,

It's me again,
Today I'm drinking Apple Cider, somehow it kinda grew on me, so today after my make up artist lesson I went to the store and bought 10 bottles of it and one bottle of Ginger Beard for my brother, since I drank his yesterday, or whenever I wrote to you last.

Yearh... Apple cider, quite good tasting, it about like um...
a mix of an apple vinegar and apple juice, I quite like it, a bit citrusy and slightly sweet. Would recommend ^^.

After the last time I wrote to you, I then just watched lots of youtube videos, and you know, just generally contemplating life,
         like one does, I did also write a bit into my notepad, which isn't next to me right now...
     Let me get it...

   There we go,

I don't write anything secret into it, but it does feels good to just write stuff on paper, although I do think that I'm faster at typing then writing, but yeah, has it's charms.

So, after the last time I was thinking that I didn't tell you much about the headset that I mentioned few times Sennheiser 4.40 HD or something, might have missed a BT somewhere, but you get the idea, it's a wireless headset that works on the Bluetooth technology and stuff, but you can also wire it so that you don't need to charge it, if you just want to use it like normal headset, it has a microphone, which from what I've heard is quite good, and I'll probably end up recording videos with that microphone, just because it's so easy to use, and it's already next to your mouth so yee...

The headset itself is quite comfortable, although after like 6 to 8 hours of listening it can start to hurt your ears a bit if you don't have it set on your head well. So I then just move it around a bit and position it a bit differently and it's okay, yee.

Bluetooth pairing is very easy, so I don't really get why people are saying that AirPods are so cool, if these themselves are easy to pair, all you need to do is just hold down the power button for like 5 seconds, don't really know how long, because if you have them on your head you hear a beep, so that's how long you hold the button, and after that beep, it just means that the headset is visible to other devices.

BTW, Still rocking to Reggae, it's really cool, few names I can drop are Bob Marley (of course) and Sizzla has a cool song, I think it's called like Be Strong, and there's also a song with a title C U when U get there, or something like that, I really like that song, but yeah, in general Reggae is really nice, would strongly recommend it.

Back to the headset, before this one I used Sennheiser HD 202 I think, something like that. I still remember buying them, I was in Portugal, like as an exchange student, although it wasn't connect with school at all, lol. Was very hot there, and met a lot of nice people, although sadly, I've lost contact with all of them :S

I am that kind of a person, not good at keeping in contact, and people don't really want to keep a contact with me, or so it seems...


Yeah, Sennheiser HD 202 I bought in Portugal for around 36€ which is quite little for head phones, and these are really good, soft padded and all, I still have them, and they still sound amazing, I even re-soldered one of the wires and they still sound amazing, and by amazing I mean, they have a very nice flat profile meaning that you get to hear the music just they way it was created and it also means that it's good for video and audio editing. The only downside to them is that after about 6 years or so, the fake leather that's on ear pads has started to peel off, and you often find bits on it on your skin after wearing them, but they still sound amazing. I would buy them again if it would be possible, they were wired, but they are no longer sold nor produced (I like the word nor). These headphones had a very nice flat sound to them. but the new ones that I bought the Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT (That's their full name, I googled it) seem to have quite a flat profile of sound but they do tend to be a bit strong on the bass, but that could be just me, although my brother did say that he also noticed that the bass is much more pronounced that others, but yeah, they still sound really nice, and I quite enjoy using them, they seal your ear quite better then the HD 202 ones, but that does also mean, that the ear doesn't breath as much and that it will sweat more, they are quite light, but you do notice them, and after few hours (like above 7 hours or there about) you do start to notice the weight. I have not yet experienced them running out of battery, mostly because it's either the end of the day or I've stopped using them, but they do last really long, I think the manufacturers say that they should last around 25 hours, which is really nice, because it does mean that no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to drain they in a single day, so you really don't need to worry about that. I would recommend them, but they are a bit expensive at around 100€. Do note that there is already a newer version out, Sennheiser HD 4.50 BT, but I choose that buy the older version mostly, because of the price, because you don't really gain much by paying more, both last very long and both have very good sound quality specially for wireless, these sound so good that if someone was to give them on your head and wouldn't tell you that they are wireless you couldn't tell, unless if you've already experienced them, because they do have some tricks up their sleeves.

Like if no sound is being sent to them after few seconds you'll hear that they've stopped receiving audio, meaning they'll go completely silent, which is quite good, and then when you start playing again, you'll notice that they are playing again (duh...). However there is a difference between silence and this headset not playing sound, because when it's not playing you can hear a bit of a low noise static or something like it. What I'm saying is that you can tell when the headset is receiving data and when it's not, yee...

They are quite cool, and I was quite surprised by how the wireless audio technology has advanced in these past few years, because I remember the audio being totally shit, like just 5 years ago, but now they are really solid!

I've also been thinking about the laptop, chromebook, that I'm using. And that I didn't really tell you much about it.

First of, the formalities:
Acer Chromebook 14 CB3-431


When I was looking for what kind of a chromebook to buy I was using the website, because it allows you to browse the whole EU market, well not the whole, but a good portion of it.

And it allowed me to specifically select which features I want in a laptop.

First of all, I wanted a really go battery, which is kind of a given with chromebooks but still, if you take a chromebook with some older Intel CPU it can still have poor battery like, because those architectures weren't well optimised for battery consumption. So I was looking for something more modern, but many Chromebooks do come with ARM CPUs which are very good at not eating your battery away, and that's because those microprocessors were never very battery hungry, but they were also never very powerful, and because I did want my laptop to have a bit of 'girth' to them, I did pick an Intel CPU, but one that's not very power hungry so that I still got a solid 12 hours of use out of the laptop.

Second because Chromebooks are essentially just glorified (big words) Google Chrome browsers, I did want a good display. I knew that I would probably spend a lot of time watching YouTube on it, and I really do. That's why I wanted a FHD display or in normal words a Full High Definition display, in other words I wanted my display to be of 1920 x 1080 resolution. Which meant that I will have to pay a bit more for that 'luxury'. But it wasn't too much of extra money, or so I like to think.

now... when I was comparing laptops I of course didn't forget about the keyboard, so I made sure that they quality of keyboard was good, but what I did forget was the keyboard layout...


So after I bought it and received it (I ended paying around 350€ - 400€, because the first 6 stores didn't ship to Slovenia..., so I had to pay a bit more :S ). I realised that the keyboard has the German layout, which wasn't as bad as you might think....

Okay so the symbols under the numbers weren't correct and maybe the keyboard had 4 letters that I can't even pronounce, but once I changed the layout of the software keyboard I was actually quite nice to type on it, and I have been typing long enough so that I don't have to look onto the keyboard to know what I type, which really helped, because some of the letters in my language, which I can type on this keyboard aren't even written on the buttons :D.
   Some of them being these: ÄÄ‡ĆŸÄ‘ĆĄ.

But I was really surprised by the keyboard, it was the first one that's like low profile and you know doesn't have as much travel as the normal keyboard, and you would think that I would need a lot of time to get used to it, but I really didn't. I felt (and still feels) really natural.

Buttons are nice and clicky, I'm really happy with it, and the space bar feels really nice, and it's not like those space bars that you had on the old keyboards where if you pressed them to close to the edge they wouldn't register your press, this one was really nice.

And that's that, really, you don't really need anything more, a good display although I do have sometimes a bit of a hard time reading stuff on it because it's such high resolution, even though it does have software scaling, I don't use it because it just feels wrong :S

Yeah, good display, good keyboard, good battery, nothing more you could ask of it.

It does have its own (proprietary (had to use google to find the correct spelling for that word)) power adaptor (adapter?), which does mean that if you break it, (and you probably will break it because this a 1mm small barrel connector, I'm quite surprised I haven't broken it yet myself) you probably won't be able to get another charger, unless you're really lucky, and who knows, maybe you will bee ^^

It would be cool to see all manufacturers adapt one plug, like USB C, maybe. Just a hint, you know.

But yeah, that's like the only downside that I could list. The laptop does have a video camera, but I've never used it, it also has a microphone which I have used few times, mostly when I was watching stuff on the TV having Chromebook plugged to it via the full size HDMI port.
   You know, when you're just too lazy to move, you can just say "Okay Google" and it allows you to googles stuff from your couch or sofa or maybe even bed. And because Google speech detection is integrated into more or less everything google you can also use it to search the YouTube stuff, so that's cool.

The laptop also has like two USB A ports which is really nice, much more then most of the modern laptops, which is quite sad when you think about it... I like having many ports, I don't want to use a dongle for everything...

The laptop also has an audio jack, you know, the one that Apple removed from the iPhone :S

Just a side note, that light on top of the hill is still flickering... and it's not even that late (17:07) and I can see it clearly...

I was also watching a one hour long video about many different UMPC and Mini PC, by the way, UMPC means (opens google), Ultra-moblie PC, which is cool.

Almost missed a train of though here, he he.

Yeah, watching that video made me want to make my own small PC device, and I wrote few stuff it would need to have, first of all, it has to have (Bob Marley - Africa Unite, you should listen to it) an audio port, like 3.5mm, because it's really not that hard to add it, and it's really not expensive, and there's always space for it, so yeah, I needs to have it.

Then I was thinking, one USB A for the keyboard, one USB A for the mouse, and then one for the USB storage key, and you always need one to be empty so this device would have FOUR! USB A ports, which would be really cool.

Now you might be asking yourself, or me, why would you need an USB keyboard, well my friend I was also thinking that, and maybe just maybe we could put a PS2 port onto the device, which could be really fun :D

Jokes aside, I was thinking since this device will be like ultra small and stuff, there's probably no way we could make they keyboard feel good for long sessions to writing and typing in general, so you might as well just remove it, and if you really need a keyboard you could use the touch screen and use the on screen keyboard, if that would be really necessary.

Now I know you might be saying that that's the same as Apple removing the audio port, but think about it, it's not the same, because here instead of making a terrible keyboard which would be no fun to type on, we just remove it.

Where as the audio jack was doing just fine, giving you that sweet awesome crispy analogue audio signal. And it was done well, you can't really make an uncomfortable audio jack, because it's more or less the same. the only difference is the DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) that's built into a device, but those are for normal use good enough. And they don't hurt you, where as a bad keyboard could really hurt you ^^.

Plus, now that we've removed the keyboard we've gotten a bit of space there. we can put there like a whole BATTERY!

Which would be nice, having the bottom part being just the battery should really give you a good battery life time.

But saying that would mean that you would put all the hardware into the display which could make it a bit fat, that's why, you could also put the CPU/GPU into the bottom part and have the display just be a display, and MAYBE have speakers up there next to the display, but here you again need to ask yourself, should you have speakers and if you decide to have them, can you make them sound good, because if they are going to be shit, then what's the point of having them, like I guess you would want to have a way of sending audio to the user if they really have no other means so I think that you either do the speakers really well, or just put the smallest cheapest thing possible and not waste to much space with that.

You've probably noticed that i was talking about bottom and top part which does mean that I do want this small PC to be a clamp shell design, or in other words, I want it to be able to closer itself, because that way when you're moving around it's closed and by itself it protects the display, so while it's in transport/transit, it can't get damaged, which I think is really important.
Wouldn't want your cool new mini PC to have it's display broken just because you decided to just put your pen into your bag without thinking about your computer.

Now I know that the design that we've set thus far does mean that you need to carry your keyboard without, but I think that that would be a better option then having a shitty keyboard onto which you couldn't type anyways.

(I did just have a thought that you might be able to integrate one of those laser keyboards into the portable computer, but I haven't tested those keyboards, so I can't say if they're good or bad, although I do have a feeling that they probably aren't that good to type on, mainly because there's not feedback fro the pressed buttons, but I'm sure you could get used to it, although who knows how fast you could actually type onto it...)

Anyways, that's enough of day dreaming about mini computers.

Let me tell you about my life a bit, although you probably already know the answers to most of these questions, I still want to ask them, because that way, I get to reflect upon them, at a later date.

Our Christmas tree is still standing although it is slowly drying up, when I was typing the last time, I could hear each needle drop and fall onto the ground and it was the same today, I guess it won't get moved until my father returns and decides that it's time to burn the tree, so yee.

I've received a mail from my ex-boss, that's physical mail that I had to sign that I received it, so he'll also know that I received it. Inside of it, it was an invitation to a meeting regarding me quitting or something like that, I didn't really read it, because just looking at it or even just thinking about it, brings tears to my eyes...

So I try to avoid that, and I'm quite certain that I won't be joining him at the meeting as I would probably rather die that meet with him...

All this probably sounds very childish to you, but you have to (you don't really have to do anything, you're a free person) understand that I'm not as strong as other people might be, and just facing him would be extremely hard for me...

Yeah... I'm quite weak I guess, although I like to envision and imagine being strong, mentally more then physically, but sadly sooner then later we are faced with the reality which is that I am just a weak person :S

Let's put that to the side a bit, and talk about stories, those are much more fun, and much less depressing...

There have been so many stories that I wanted to tell but because I never really knew how to tell them so that they would be interesting I never really wrote or told them. But because I have no real structure here I guess I can just tell you what those stories are and what's happening inside of them.

     One of the stories, which I think I wanted to title "Doctor's Lab", or something like that, is about a doctor, who is designing an bio-mechanical robot with (of course) AI.
  And yesterday I came up with the perfect way I could start it, because I wanted the robot's name to be MIA, but I didn't really know how to tell how the robot came to carry that name, but yesterday I had an idea, you know those YouTube videos that sometimes trigger your Alexa or Google Voice Assist, Yeah.

The Doctor is uploading some files to the robot and because it's taking a bit of time, he's watching Youtube videos while the computer is uploading and compiling files... and just as it's done doing that, the robot activates and at that moment the YouTube video triggers Google Voice Assist and the voice assist picks up "M... I... A..." from the robot, because the robot wanted to say something, but because it probably want's properly configured it just murmured some letters. (Here's a secret, the robot actually wanted to say Am I alive, but I wanted that to be a mystery, so shhhh, don't tell the viewers ^^ ). And then the Doctor sees that the Google Voice Assist has google the letters M I A, so he decides to name the robot that, as those were the first words or letters that the robot said. Doctor fiddles a bit with the robot and corrects few things, and the reboots the robot, which then boots up and for a moment stares forwards. Then it turns towards the Doctor and you can see that the robot has detected a face, so it asks: "What is my name?" and the Doctor of course answers, "You're name is Mia ^^ ".

   -Now, why I had to find a logical or at least a reasonable way to tell why the robot's name is Mia is because initially I was thinking of playing both the Doctor and the Robot, and that way I could say that the Doctor made the robot in his image (hint hint), and I had a "grand" vision that throughout the episodes of Doctor testing and calibrating and programming the Robot, it would become more and more human, and then one day, we would only see a figure that looks like the Doctor, but because he made the robot in his image, you couldn't tell if it's him or if it's the robot. Whaaa plot twist :D

Yeah, these story, would be kinda like video logs from the Doctor, who would just be logging stuff for scientific purposes, you know.

So yeah, that's just a hint of one of the stories I had and have and probably will have stuck in my head for some time, but I guess I can just tell them to you, and maybe that way I'll one day get to develop them, or who knows, maybe someone else completely unknown will make something out of these ideas. I'll probably bee (hehe) long gone by then ^^

I kinda have a spreadsheet in which I have each cell to represent a week in my life, and if I made a video that week I would colour it bright green, but if I didn't I would colour it dark read, and for solid 8 or so weeks in a row I did manage to make and upload videos...
          But then my job started and at first I still managed to make videos, but the longer I worked there, the less time I had for myself and the less time there was to make video or even come up with ideas for the videos...

And then I stopped...

  It's much easier to stop making stuff then it is to actually make stuff...

Which reminds me, I need to colour another cell (box) dark red...

   I made the spreadsheet long to about the age of 30, of my life. I guess I don't really expect to live that long, I kinda expect to end before that time...

That's a 11th dark red cell in a row :(

But with this new job, I should have more time to make, because I'll get to disconnect once I'm home, I won't need to worry about work when I'm home...


I also wrote few questions and quotes down yesterday, after watching YouTube videos.

Also! Talking about YouTube,
                                 YouTube just announced that YouTube channels will require 1000 subscribers and at least 4000 hours of watch time in the last month to be able to have ads on their videos, and while at first you might be angry, it shouldn't really make people angry.
Because You shouldn't think of YouTube as a business plan, no, you should think of it as a portal, a way to share your thoughts, ideas, wishes, hopes.
   A way to express yourself. That

that's what YouTube always was, it was never a business, even though many made a living with it, it was just a way of expressing oneself.
   Kinda like what I'm doing here, I'm using Blogger as a portal, a place onto which I channel my inner self. Where I can be who I am, without someone judging me...

Because in the end, this here is my space (MySpace, he he), I decide what will  or won't be in my space. In a way it is an extension of myself.
                                     A bit of myself that can travel through time!
     You're in the future!

       You hold the answers to my questions!

That's why it doesn't really matter what YouTube did, because in the end, when people will want to express themselves they will be able to do so, with or without ads.

My channel has around 35 subscribers and most of them are inactive people or some that just didn't notice that they're subscribed to my channel OR they are just my other accounts :)

But I still have probably around 100 videos, and I will still make them, I want to make them, but I want each video to have a meaning, because I believe that if I'll make videos that will have meaning, to you and to me, that they will do good! And they'll never reach close to 100 views but they will still by my will, an extension of me, they will be me. Travelling through time, being immortalised, at least until YouTube changes it's mind, but I don't think they will go and delete videos, maybe those that get 0 views, because a good portion of people make programs just to test the YouTube where they generate videos and upload them to YouTube and they never get a single view, not even a view from their creator. Those videos, maybe, will YouTube remove, if we would ever get to a point where YouTube would start to run out of space, although I hope that that won't be soon, although, I'm not really sure how many videos would be affected, but who knows, maybe there's like a lot of videos without a single view...

Also, I was kinda surprised but yesterday when I was YouTubing the YouTube I landed on many smaller channels, kinda like since YouTube made that it also made so that you land more on smaller channels and in doing so promote their growth, which if correct would be really cool of YouTube, but I might have just been searching for such unpopular terms, who knows though ^^

Also, as side note, why does Google Blogger allow you to have only 20 tags?
    maybe, so that people wouldn't spam with tags?
    Would that mean that Google looks at those when crawling through my blog?
    So that others can find my blog if they search for those specific things.

Which in the end doesn't really help me much, since I talk about all the stuff,
  on that note.

I've also been thinking about, how would one make 'Bra' reviews, and I've came to a conclusion, that you can't really talk about the fit, because you really need to go and try the bra to see if it fits, and it really does depend on your size and stuff, and some bras come in super big cups and some (sometimes) even come in AA which is like super small, but not that super, I would like to get my hands on a AAA cup bra, although, you really do need to ask yourself at what point does the cup start to be curved inwards, if you know what I mean, but yeah.
   I could make a review where I would talk about the pattern, colour and most importantly about the construction, since in the end that's really what's important, how good is the construction of the bra, and if it will last long enough to be worth it's money.
 Now some do talk about if the bra rubs against the skin in a way that it doesn't feel good and start to be annoying, but I do think that having a properly fitting bra is here really important, because IF you do have a good fitting bra, all those problems could be avoided. That's why I don't think it's as important to talk about if a bra is rubbing or because in the end that is down to you, and not to the bra.

But yeah, I would like to review some of Lisca's bras, because they are really nice.
 And I like Lisca, if given the opportunity to go and work for them, I would gladly take it!

If you've never heard of Lisca before, do check them out, they do have a website in English and in many other languages, so it's really accessible to more or less everyone, their website is, who would of though, right? :D

I like this ^^

Also, once I get good enough to know what I'm doing, I would also want to make make-up videos, because that could be really fun, and because not only would the viewer learn something new, but I myself would also learn a lot.

 The thing holding me back is probably that I don't really know what to make, because although makeup is like painting, where you have infinite possibilities, I also don't know how or what I would make, but I guess that's why I'm learning it now ^^

Hmm, I just tried googling ^^, because I wanted to see some cute images, and that way I could suggest to you to go and google it yourself, but google doesn't find anything...

I guess that's because you can use special rules to tell google to search to very specific stuff and ^ might be one of the symbols used to give this special commands to google :S

   If you want to know more about what I'm talking about Google: "regular expression".
 (hehe, that's what I wanted to do)

Did I tell you that I bought Fat Shark 101?
   I think I did, I'm really excited to get it, and I do hope it will come soon! I did get an e-mail, that it was already shipped, but it might take a bit, because I think GetFPV the website via which I bought the set might be located in USA (I could google it, but I decided not to!).

 I've also watched some of WatchMojo videos and they recommended some Sci-Fi cult classic movies,
I was watching those videos because of the explanations I told to you last time, at least I did, but the premise (not sure if the correct word) is that Magic is just technology that we don't yet understand. And after that I suggested watching some old sci-fi movies, and I myself wanted to do the same, that's why I was searching from some old sci-fi movies that are supposed to be good, and because I can I'll share to you the list, that I've written down, it's more or less a 1:1 copy from what they suggest in the videos, but I've added some, well, here goes everything:
-Barbarella (1968)
-Flash Gordon (1980)
-12 Monkeys (1995)
-Dark Side (1974)
-Repo Man (1984)
-Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)
-Brazil (1985)
-Donnie Darko (2001)
-A Clockwork Orange (1971)
-Dark City (1998)
-Death Race 2000 (1975)
-The Toxic Avenger (1984)
-Time Bandits (1981)
-The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
-Blade Runner (1982)

Now, not on this list is The Metropolis (1927), which I really want to watch, because it's supposed to be the first sci-fi movie, ever.

Also some of the movies listed above might be a bit scary, so I do suggest googling them before you watch them, to check if they are scary or not and if you should watch them,

So yeah...

I word that I was trying to remember yesterday but totally failed is 'Abstraction'.
Now this word is very powerful!
Very meaningful, because is it this 'Abstraction'

Which is the reason why technology might seem as magic to some.
Because we take a concept and develop on it, and then it becomes so developed and complex that we create a way, layer, to use all that complex complicated stuff in a much easier and easier to understand way.
A very good and easy example is computers.
First we have machine language, hahaha, basically it's binary, meaning it's a number made of only 1 and 0.

Now if you're confused, don't be because you already know all this, it's the same as hex, where you use a different system to count, with binary you count with 0 and 1. In decimal you use 10 numbers, so 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And all the numbers will be displayed with those numbers, ALL NUMBERS. :D

quick example 25 = 11001
Now, usually you write binary with some spaces in between just so that the number look nicer but in general it doesn't really matter.

But imagine, if you will, you count from 0 to 12. once you get to 9, you ran out of numbers, because you use one the 10 numbers listed above (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9), and once you ran out of number, we've decided to just put the number on the left one position higher then it was before, and then set the number with which we were counting to it's first position which is, of course, 0.

because in the end 09 is the same as 9, and 000000000009 is still the same as 9, that's the magic of numbers, you can add as many 0 at the start as you want, it doesn't make much difference, same goes for number after the ',' or '.' if you're somewhere else on the planet, not really sure where they use '.' but I do know that we use ','.
So yeah, you can add as many 0 as you want at the either beginning or at the end or both of the number, look:
this BIG number is still the same as 9, so yeah.
when you count and you get to 9 and want to go one higher, you just increase the number on the left by one. So 0009 is then 0010, and then you keep counting 0011, 0012, 0013 and so on, I think you get the idea. It's the same with binary, you keep counting and once you ran out of numbers to use you add one to the one on the left until you ran out of numbers with that one, and they you add one to the one even more left.

Let's take a look
you start with 0000, as you do.
and then you keep counting as we've mentioned above, don't really know why I must explain how to count, hahaha.

but yeah, because we have only 2 numbers to count with, you start adding to the numbers on the left much faster, just to make it easier I'll put the decimal numbers on the left and the binary on the right:
0000 = 0000 // Who would of thought right? (btw, '//' is used in some programming languages, to
0001 = 0001 // indicate that you'll be writing a comment and that the compile ignores what you've
0002 = 0010 // written inside of them, and that's kinda why I also like to use them to explain some
0003 = 0011 // stuff, in my texts. RIGHT! I hope you are watching the numbers on the left, because
0004 = 0100 // that's where the magics is happening! It's really not as complex as one might think
0005 = 0101 // though, it's quite simple actually, and once you understand how these number systems
0006 = 0110 // work you can even make your own number systems :O, I know right! Amazing!
0007 = 0111 // isn't it?
0008 = 1000
0009 = 1001
0010 = 1010
0011 = 1011
0012 = 1100
0013 = 1101
0014 = 1110
0015 = 1111

As you've probably noticed and guess, if you use more different number you can "store" more number in a single space, because as you see we need 4 spaces to write the number 15 in binary but in decimal you only need 2.

Now at this point you might be asking yourself, why do computer then use the binary if it's so inefficient, well, that's a whole different story.

To "understand" that, you need to turn things a bit around. and not take 0 and 1 as numbers but as statements, I know, right? :D.

Where 0 is false or a lie, if you want to be British, hahaha, just kidding.
and 1 is true, or truth. quite simple.

But that doesn't really explain (sorry if the track of thought is a bit lost, brother and mother came to the table and we watched a bit of best bits of 'The IT Crowd' it's a really good show, you should watch it!).

So, as I was saying, before I was interrupted, that doesn't really explain why the 1 and 0 for the computers, when other number system can hold so much more data, well that's because in electricity you have a negative ?charge? and a positive ?charge?, and as you can see that's two states. Now there are of course electrical systems that work on other number systems then just binary, but the problem is that because they need to be much more precise to reach the designated voltage levels that it usually tends to slow them down and it makes them more vulnerable to external influences, if you want I can talk about that more in the future and I probably will ^^. But for now it's important to know that it's easier to say that anything that's below 0 (like -1.2V) is 0 and everything above 0 (like 2.3V) is 1.
That way it's much easier (or so I like to think) to differentiate them apart. And that's kinda the answer to, why binary. You can also set it like this:
if there is current then it's 1,
if there is NO current then it's 0.

But yeah, it's easier to be fast and accurate if you don't define your number system by different levels of voltage, but instead define them by the state of the current.

By the way, a very important bit of information that helped me quite a bit once I learned it is this:
   "Current is pulled and Voltage is pushed"

Which means that you power supply, your source of electricity can be providing you with 10000000A of current. The circuit or the device connected will only take as much current as it needs, despite the fact that the power supply is much higher, the device will "pull" as much as is needs.

While for voltage if your power supply, your source is 500V and you connect it to your mobile phone which is designed to receive only 5V, this will FRY your device. because the power supply will "push" 500V to every circuit and device connected to it.

So yeah, Current is pulled and Voltage is pushed.
Which is good, because it means that theoretically you could use the fast charging charger and plug it to your phone, even though your phone doesn't support fast charging, but that doesn't mean that your phone will not charge faster, because as we've said the phone will pull as much current as it needs. But why I say theoretically is because usually, at least from what I've seen, those fast charging chargers also push more voltage, which could damage your device, if it's not designed to receive such voltage.


Another question I have written in my notebook is:
         "What is Art?"

Now, that's a big question isn't it?
 Because in a way, everything is art.
Because you can learn from every aspect of existence.
  But by saying that, am I saying that art is something from which you can learn?

Let's google it:
"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."

I see...
 Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
You know what that means,
  don't you?

It means that this blog itself is art ^^
Which is quite cool, and pretty much everything you do is art, because everything you do is an expression of your emotions, an expression of your skills,
an Expression of your Imagination

We often forget about imagination, don't we?
   Quite sad, when you think about it, 
that we neglect (in a way) such a think that seems (at least to my eyes) to be a specific thing to humans.


Language itself is quite interesting isn't it?
    I've often said that I like using English language because it's "easier", 
 I say that, even though I know that there are things that I don't know in English, 
      Not just words, but also rules, concepts...

I've often said that English language is easier, and that that's the reason why I write in it.
But I've also said that Slovenian language is harder, but with it you can tell much more with fewer words...

When you think about it, it's kinda similar to the number systems we were talking before, isn't it?

Well, I've been writing this for long enough.
And I think I should stop rambling, before we get to more serious stuff :P

Thank you!
Thank you for reading this, it really means a lot to me.
     These days, people don't really respect reading as much as they should,
  as much as they did....

And that just makes it that more important and magical, to have you read it.
Just think about it, think of all the people you know and/or have met, how many of them would take time to read, 
 a random,

Not many, 
                  if any...

But still, thank you!
You're my future, 
 you're not here,
 then I guess, I'm also no longer here 

          Which is okay ^^

Thank you :3


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