Hey there

New era is soon starting in my life and it's not a very good era.

Quite a lot of stress and stuff is already flowing over me, and I have a feeling a lot more will come...

But you're in the future, so you already know what happened, that's the nature of recording stuff.
Who ever reads or watches them, is always in the future, which is quite amazing when you think about it. So yeah, I've recently started to write my thoughts down, in as little form as possible, and I wish to do the same here. Mainly because I think I could be fun, and because I don't really know how to write good stories or anything good, so I might as well just write whatever comes to my mind.

And in such way kinda make my own structure ^^

Isn't it cool that this entire post is actually written in HTML?
Don't get me wrong, I did use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor that Google provides, mainly because I want to make it as easy as possible to put my thoughts down on the "paper".

So yeah, new era...
    I hope it won't get to it, but I might end up in court because of my actions, even though on some spectre or aspect what I did is justified, but I'm quite sure that my ex-boss and they won't see it that way. But I had to do something or that job would really be the end of my life...

The more I worked there, the harder it was getting, and more and more closer I was to my end,
but it's then so hard to tell others that I'm not happy with the job, because they're all so happy that I have a job that looks like something that I always wanted, even though honestly I was never very hyped about web development, because I never considered it as real programming, even though now that I've dipped my toes into WebGL I have realised that the graphics aspect is quite complex.

I guess I never considered web development to be real programming, because I was coding in C++ and for web we were learning HTML and CSS, both of which are cool, but neither are as powerful as C++.

What I mean is, you can do pretty much anything in C++ even though it will take you some time, but in HTML and CSS you're quite limited, but I guess that's because they both aren't even in the same league as C++, oh well...

Yeah... As the pen stroke letters into the book of the new year (that's me being poetic), I could no longer make myself go to my job, in a way I completely shut myself in.

Which isn't really good, or so one would assume, but (ass u me) there comes a point at least in my life, where you can't continue doing something, at least to me it came, it just felt that if I would continue I would sooner than later, end up killing myself, one way of another, I've noticed that when I was driving home, more each day, I was just thinking how much more peaceful it would be if I would just kill myself, because then I wouldn't need to deal will all this...

And when you're driving 90+ kmph (55+ mph), it's really hard to not just flick the steering wheel and crash another car and just ending it all, although you will probably take someone with you, but if you do it well enough, you won't need to worry about it...

I had to do something...
So I decided to do

And thus far the whip hasn't yet smacked me in the face, but it is soon coming, I can feel it deep down in my mind, I know what the storm is coming, but I do hope that I will be able to survive the storm, I am already looking for a new job, because if I don't, I won't be able to continue my make-up artist course, which I really want to finish, and I don't want to reach a point where I would need to tell the teacher that I can no longer come, because I don't have money...

Quite a cruel world we've built for ourselves...

Or have we stopped building the world and allowed the top to build it for us, that would explain many things...

Or maybe they've taken our tools away from us and did as they pleased, and we didn't notice that they took our tools...

Either way, things had to change, had they not, you would not be reading things.
    By you, I'm referring to future self, as I don't really think anyone else will be reading this, which is not all bad, because it does mean that I can write whatever I want.

bla bla bla

See :D

I do of course always hope that someone else would be reading or watching and liking what they see,
but I guess I should have learned after, what, 8 years? of doing stuff and not being noticed, or liked by others.

But I guess that's just what life is, we're all different so some are more liked then others ^^

That's okay though, I'd like to say that I'm okay with my writing to myself, and I hope I am.

In these times of need (lol), I'm listening to Bob Marley, and Reggie, there's something about it, that makes me feel just a bit warm inside, so that's good...

I watched some of MKBHD videos yesterday, and he said that Apple had to remove the audio port so that the wireless technology could start to develop at a much faster pace, which he's of course right.

But I still really really like having the port on my devices, because it allows me the freedom of connecting my device to more or less any speaker or other device to share date at a very good quality.

I did buy Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT about a month ago, but somehow I still prefer the wire, I even ended up connecting a wire to them to use them that way on my stationary PC, although yesterday I did look for my USB BT adaptor and using them wireless.
   Of course it's fun to use them without the wire, but there is still a lot of joy in knowing that you don't need to worry about yet another battery...

I guess that's what people are forgetting, that having yet another battery powered device means that you'll have to think about yet another battery to be powered and charged...

Oh well,

By the way,
You know what would be cool, you know those towers that HTC Vive uses to detect your position, they could transform those into Tesla transformers and that way wirelessly charge the headgear, although I guess they would need to somehow deal with the noise, but it would still be very cool,

Btw, for the past 4 (or so) months I've been drinking/eating Saturo, which is a all in one food replacement or so I like to call it, it's a liquid that gives you a 1/4 of sustenance that you require each day, or in other words it gives you 500 kcal, so yeah, and it has all the vitamins and minerals that you require, which is quite cool, because it allows you to skip the whole preparing and eating faze that each humans must do few times a day, instead you just drink this, I myself most enjoy the coffee one, which does actually have coffee in it, so yeah, keeps you awake and stuff, although if you really want to stay away for extended period of time (like 8h) I would suggest taking 1P-LSD or just straight LSD, although I don't think LSD itself is legal anywhere at the moment, so that sucks :S

But yeah, Saturo is really good and I've been enjoying their food quite a lot, I'm still subscribed although I did asked them if it would be possible to pause the subscription while I'm in the faze of finding a new job, as I won't be needing their food, although the truth is that I asked them to pause the subscription, because I'm not sure if I'll have enough money to keep everything moving before I get a new job and more money.

It's quite annoying how money drives today's world...

back in the day it was different, but then again, so was everything else, there was no real medicine and stuff. I guess those in the future must be thinking the same for my time as I do for middle ages.

although I can't really see what appeal the future can see in my time, but I'm quite sure that they do...

You see I like to think that those in the middle ages were all free and chillxed and stuff but they were probably just as stressed about making food and surviving the day, probably more then I am...

Which really puts stuff in perspective...

Yeah, they were probably stressed the whole time, just imagine, waking up and knowing that if you don't till the land you won't be able to eat in the future and that you'll probably die...

Although... after you've finished tilling the land, you could be free right?
I'm probably wrong, but hey, I can dream. Not that tilling the land is easy, it's quite physically hard!

Bleep, my ?assistant? called me, don't really know what to call her, she helped me get a job, and she called me to tell me that I've been selected for the job, so that's good, I'm no longer unemployed or something ^^

I'm quite happy, even though it's not a job that we were talking about, but I'm still excited about it, from what I've heard it's a nice stable job.

As I'm writing this, I also finished my Saturo Coffee drink (wouldn't it be cool if they would sponsor me, hahaha, there I go again, thinking that anyone besides me will actually read this, I mean, even I myself don't always read what I write, but that's probably because I don't value what I write, at least not now, but in few years, I will be very happy that I wrote it, because it's really magical, time travelling ^^). And I've opened a bottle of Ginger Beard by Wychwood, which I really like, although it's quite sweet, it has a really good taste, it's kinda like honey but less sticky tasting, if you know what I mean, and then comes the second taste which is a bit spicy and it's a bit more in your throat, really nice, will probably buy more. I guess I'm starting this new era with drinking :S

I've been keeping away from alcohol for almost half a year now, but I guess now that I've been more stressed I've kinda swayed back to it, I guess I needed something that would cloud my mind, so that I wouldn't see what I'm doing, (dead laugh inside), but it is true, I guess I'm just thinking too much about the stuff that's happening and clouding my mind with alcohol or other substances kinda helps me not think about them, and just relax, although that's probably not health, it does help me get through the days. 

What's cool about the structure that I've "built" is that I can keep writing for pretty much ever, although at some point I will have to stop, or I'll probably just get distracted by something.

Btw (By the way), when I got Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT headset I've also installed Deezer on my broken iPhone 5, I really like the app, although since my free premium ran out, it has turned into a bit of an annoying app here and there, because the restrictions it has for the free users are quite stupid...
But for now it works quite fine, and it allows me to listen to good music without me thinking of what to listen too, I just tell it to play Reggae and it does so.

About my iPhone 5, it was in a perfect state before I bought it, but as soon as I touched it, I dropped it on the floor totally breaking the screen so that's cool, yeah...

I've personally been an android person, and I still really like android, but I do enjoy using the iOS even though the screen is shattered.

I guess it's because it feels like everything is much more connected on iOS like each app works much better with device and it makes you feel like the app is a part of a device, were as on the android it always felt like each app is in its own filed, sandbox. And from the programmer's point of view they actually are. At least to my understanding, each app on android runs in its own sandbox environment, apps can't see each other when they're running, which does have it's uses, but it's probably done that way because of the security, Windows does the same thing...

I kinda lost my train of thought, one might say I missed the train, ha ha.

Everything here, I've written on my Acer Chromebook 14, which I really like, it's just the right size, and the keyboard feels really good, when typing on it, although I did spend like 10 minutes before quitting, trying to find out how to make a right click where the text cursor is using only the keyboard, because when I make a mistake, I would like to correct it, but to use the Google's suggestion, I need to right click the word, which can be done on a normal keyboard, using the button between the right alt and right ctrl, but there's no button like that on Chromebooks, but I guess I'll have to get used to it, I bought my laptop, from Germany or Austria, not really sure anymore, and I bought it with intent to write stuff on it, because Chrome books by themselves aren't very powerful, and you can't really do a lot of the Chrome OS, unless if you install a Linux onto it, which can make the device much more useful, but I bought it because of the battery life, the laptop claims that it can last up to 12 hours, and in my experiences sometimes it even lasts longer, which is really good, because it allows you use the laptop for much longer, which means that I can write without having to worry about the battery, and until now, I haven't really used to much for writing which was a bit sad, but I'm hoping to change that by writing this, which I am, so yee...

I've mostly been using it to watch YouTube, and browse the web, because even though the laptop has a very weak CPU it can handle the Google Chrome browser like a beast, probably because the Chrome OS was built for this, it can handle easily more then 100 tabs, where as my stationary PC almost died yesterday when I opened my Wish list bookmark folder which had around 50 to 70 pages saved, it took more then an hour to start loading them and for my PC to respond, even though I have a solid CPU with 4 cores each at around 3.3GHz (I've over-clocked it, that's why it's at such a number, initially it was at around 2.6Ghz, so that's quite a nice over-clock, or so I think ^^ ), and a solid GPU, although I don't know which GPU I have, because I'm using my brother's GPU from his old PC, I do need to build a new computer but the problem is that they are so expensive, and it feels like kinda  a waste of money to buy a box that will just sit in the room and gather dust...

Isn't that strange a computer person like me talking about how it's kinda a waste of money to buy a computer... but in a way it's true though, just think about it, if I want a solid PC I would probably need to spend around 1600€ and for that much money I could go and visit my brother in Grand Cayman islands, or travel to Japan and explore the land of the rising sun...

Computers aren't cheap, at least such with which you can do more then just browse, although these days you can do quote a lot with the browser specially now that WebGL is getting more and more popular, I'm quite sure that you can even do video editing inside of a browser, but I would prefer having a solid computer on which I could edit videos that way, you know, a more direct way.

Yeah... I have two brothers, one is on Grand Cayman, he's working there as a waiter or something, not really sure what he does, all I know is that he does pretty much everything.

(I'm looking through my windows and I'm seeing a flickering light on top of a hill... quite interesting, not sure what it is, but it's probably not a fire, because the colour of light is a bit too cold, if you know what I mean, it feels like a fabricated light, haha, the words...)

From what I've seen, he's happy there, and he's having fun. I do hope that it is so, I wouldn't want anyone to me in my situation, although I'm quite sure that many are in a much worse situation, here I am complaining about a job, where as people around the world can't even get a job, but I guess that's just how the world is shaped. It's kinda like what Tesla said (or someone else, not really, sure, maybe it's just me saying it, and I say that some like Tesla said it, so that it sounds more believable), everything is a wave. When you think about it, it is true though.

     -Human emotions and feelings;

I'm quite sure you've experienced yourself, sometimes you feel happier then other times, sometimes you feel much more hungry they other times, sometimes you're more sad then other times...

        I guess everything that changes would be called a wave...

because as long as there is a change, even if it takes a bit of time, it still will look like a wave if you were to draw a graph of it...

Now it feels like Tesla (or who ever said that thing that I mentioned above) cheated :D


I think, there for I am
(couldn't resist, because I already started to type "I think")

I think with the structure that I have, which is none, there isn't really a way to end, but then again, why would I want to end this...

They say:
     "Everything good must come to an end..."

But this isn't good, hahaha.
I guess I'm just trying to find a way, where I could go and watch YouTube videos, instead of writing, but to be honest, I have kinda ran out of stuff to watch, there's maybe one or two new videos that I want to watch.

Talking about YouTube, how come there aren't any good Fat Shark 101 videos, I've known about the set for at least few months now, but somehow no one has made videos about it, at least non that would be really popular, but that might be just because FPV drone racing isn't as big as I would like to think.

So maybe I should write and record a review of it, although I don't have it, I have order it, yesterday...
I payed around 240€ which is quite a lot of money in general, but for a drone, googles and a controller it's actually not that much, and from what I've seen each of those are of a good quality,

drone that comes in the set is quite light weight, I would like to say around 6g, but that sounds too light, so maybe add few zeroes to it if you want, I will probably give more correct information once I'll have the device, but for now, I can say that it is very light, which is to be expected as it is not a big drone i'm expecting around 200mm by 200mm there about, I will do my best to make an actual review once I get the device.

googles they seem to be well constructed, as of now, I don't know how big the screen is, but it should be quite a good quality since this device is coming from Fat Shark which is the leading company in FPV googles, I've wanted to have a Fat Shark googles for quite many years now, because I want to see myself from angles from which I haven't seen myself before, yeah, quite a stupid reason, but there's just something that feels so strange, different in seeing yourself from angles that you haven't seen yourself before, also just the flying in first person view itself sounds cool so that's also good, and this set provides you with everything you need to experience that...

I'm guessing googles will be of a good quality.

The controller from what I've seen also seems solid even though you have to charge it with 4 AA batteries, which is just so stupid, I don't know why they decided to do that, they've put Li-Ion into the googles and the drone, and they even give you a spare battery for the drone, at least from what I've seen, I will try to confirm that information once I get the device, but I don't understand why they decided to make the controller require batteries... Even if they would do it so that you could just swap the batteries once you're out and flying it doesn't make much sense because your drone will run out of power before you'll get anywhere near draining the controller, so yeah...

Don't know why they decided to do that, but let's hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, I'm not :S

Would be a good surprise though to get the device and see that there are no batteries needed...

I am quite excited to get the set, and I'm expecting great things from it, even though it is just a beginner set, I still think they've done a good job.

Drone should last around 5min, I do hope that with smart flying I can get a bit more, because that does sounds low.

Also, here's an idea, wouldn't it be cool to have an area where you could wirelessly charge your drone? (using Tesla transformers). And if you could get that to charge fast enough you could really use it as a charging pad, so you could fly a drone, fly it to the charge pad, swap the radio bands and fly another drone while the first one is charging, now I know that the Tesla transformers would induct electricity on the entire circuit and thus probably frying the drone, but hey, I can dream. And I'm quite sure that there is a way to do it so that I won't break the drone.

Speaking of future.

Have you noticed that whenever we make movies or just predictions of the future we think of the stuff that we already have but is super upgraded. Which pretty much never reflects the true future.
          Like, we always imagine the things we already have but upgraded...
But that's not the reality, we need to think outside of the box, :D, the future is not upgrading what we already have, but creating something new.

That's why the technology seems like magic, and that's why we say that the technology we don't understand we call magic.

Because it's something we haven't even thought about.
    Probably because if we've thought about it we would already make it, or at least try to make it.

(now that I think about it, the light on top of the hill is probably the lights that are used to lighten up the skying surface, still cool though)

                       Magic really is technology we just don't understand...

That's kinda why it's fun to watch old sci-fi movies, because you get to see how they envisioned the future, and because you know what their future really is like, because you're living it ^^

I guess it's kinda the same with this, you're in my future, you already know the answers to my questions...

In a way you could be a divine being...
         Quite cool...

So... How's the weather like? Is it still raining?
HA! Got ya, it's not raining right now :P

   I want to visit Jamaica.

There are so many things I want to do...
Although I've already written quite some of them in my notebook...
Still wanted to tell it to you though :)

My mother came home, she's about 32 years older then me, which is quite interesting.
She's still very strong mentally and physically despite being quite old, don't really know how to say it, she is relatively old, even though she doesn't seem that old to me, but than again, most older people don't seem old to me, I guess because it feels that any moment now, I will be at their age and my life will have flown by...

Why do times change?

Like we quite often say "Time flies", but why?

Time itself doesn't really fly, because it doesn't really exist...

Time is a human construct, kinda like Math...

In a way one could say that time is speed of perception of photons. or something.

I'm quite sure you've heard of a saying, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear is, did it really fall...

That's why I say that time is speed of perception, maybe not even just perception of photos, but perception of everything, because if it would be just perception of photons, then if you would cover your eyes the time would stop, which I'm quite sure it doesn't.

But if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it fall, and no one goes into that forest, then the three really didn't fall, nor did it ever exist...

I think that's what's called quantum mechanics, because if we were to apply that statement or rule to everything then we could say that trees are constantly falling but because no one hears them and no one goes to see them, we can't know for sure, as for as long as we don't check we will never know.

I guess that's also the point of Schrodinger's cat...

I do wonder though, what would be, if human wouldn't be.

What would exist if humans wouldn't exist?

   I want to make tech videos.

Anyways, I've been rambling long enough, I'll go and waste my time by watching YouTube videos, and drinking another Ginger Beard ale ^^

I do hope to write more like this, it was quite fun, and there's always most stuff to talk about.

(I did initially buy this Ginger Beard for my brother, but he said that it's he's okay with me drinking it).

Hey Future!
Thank you for reading this, I really do appreciate it, even though you might think that I'm just saying this, it really does mean a lot to me, because it feels like you're my friend, probably my closest friend, since I can tell you anything...

Have a good day, and remember!
Sun is where the flowers bloom


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