Why the Days Seem Shorter as We Get Older

Why does it feel that the time passes faster as we get older?
What is the physical basis for the impression that some days are slower than others?
Why do we tend to focus on the unusual (the surprise), not on the ever present?

This article unveils the physics basis for these common observations.

The reason is that the measurable ‘clock time’ is not the same as the time perceived by the human mind.

The ‘mind time’ is a sequence of images, i.e. reflections of nature that are fed by stimuli from sensory organs. The rate at which changes in mental images are perceived decreases with age, because of several physical features that change with age: saccades frequency, body size, pathways degradation, etc. The misalignment between mental-image time and clock time serves to unite the voluminous observations of this phenomenon in the literature with the constructal law of evolution of flow architecture, as physics.

-Bejan, A. (n.d.). Why the Days Seem Shorter as We Get Older. European Review, 1-8. doi:10.1017/S1062798718000741

This is a citation/copy from this website!

On the website are also listed REFERENCES, thus I would strongly suggest going there and reading futher, if this interests you!

I am not the author of this article, nor to I claim any rights, all rights that are belong to the original author.


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