Stop Hating Yourself | Russell Brand

Do you hate yourself, bloody hell, it seems so severe I don't even like saying it out loud but there have been times in my life sometimes not that long ago where I have felt self-hatred, when I break it down it's not that I hate my essence is maybe I hate behaviors or feel like I can't live with myself anymore, Eckhart Tolle used that phrase brilliantly, I can't live with myself anymore, recognising that that indicates even to people self-hatred is like that, I interpret it as a desire to immolate or burn the egoic individualized constructed self, I believe that even in negative impulses there is something positive that can be used, and this is a good example, the self-hatred can be regarded as a kind of awakening to the transition you require of yourself, as if part of you knows there is no future in the person that you've been living as, I can no longer be that man, I've had many times in my life where I felt I've had to transition between the person I was, an obvious example person who uses drugs to person who doesn't use drugs, person who is acting out addictively around sexual behaviors to person who isn't acting out, the same with obsessing about fame. I'm still subject to it I still get subjects of moments of like, essentially any time I think an external thinker make me feel better I am in or in into an illusion, any time I start to feel anxious or afraid or confused I'm entering into an illusion, we have the potential to feel a kind of bliss, I've done some inquiring around this subject, notably in the podcast with David Lynch, he talked about the Maharishi he's mentor and teacher, forgive the sound of that playing won'tcha, he talked about the Maharishi and says, that he was in a blissed-out state many people who talk about their gurus from India talk about a state of bliss be achievable being achieved, people from the Buddhist tradition I suppose it seems more of a state of serenity, I've always been drawn to the voluptuousness of Hinduism this of a virility and vivacity the sort of passion and the joy of it, and I feel that if you feel self-hatred you must learn to acknowledge it as a signal for change and you did not deserve self-hatred, in my tradition belief system that the both of those things sound grand, forgiveness is a necessity, forgive people no matter what they have done we must approach from a position of forgiveness for yourself not for them, certainly we must forgive ourselves, you know I've heard it said like a we know people that have transgressed greatly harmed others deeply, I don't think I can ever forgive myself, and it is difficult isn't it to imagine if you've done something that's really negatively impacted someone's life in it serious way, you may feel you don't have the right to forgive yourself, but the tradition says that you must forgive yourself that you can't hold on to the illusion of who you were, that don't mean that there is no such thing as redemption or or say atonement, if the reason for your self-hatred is you believe you have done something that is unforgivable, then you should seek guidance for how to be forgiving how to forgive and how to atone or at onement I've heard it said, find a way to become at one again, at one with the person you are, a one with a person who intended to be, you know even if we've harmed people there is a way back for us, we can find a way back self-hatred can become valuable to you, if you are able to see it as a spur to necessary transition, we can't stay in it we can't live in self-hatred, it's let's face it it must be one of the reasons people commit, no people take their own lives, must be because of self-hatred, extreme self-pity, self-hatred, it's a dangerous thing you must seek serious guidance begin with support groups and, firstly there's only thing to do right now is acknowledge it is not real.

Russell Brand, 2019

(This is an edited transcript from this video, I highly suggest watching it)


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