New Year, New Decade, New Life?

Good day, some might say I'm a bit late, but some would also say better late than never.

In the new year of 2020, I've cut my hair and will try to maintain short hair for the foreseeable future, I’ve also started the process of cleaning my room, Like thoroughly this time which means that I'm getting rid of approximately 5 computer cases, 1-4 monitors, a lot of papers and documents and hopefully also a lot of clothing so that I can empty my closet. It is taking a bit longer than I initially expected but that is only because I installed a new table which is a lot lower than the previous one which means that I can actually sit straight now and that my feet touch the ground, which is always good. I have also begun the process of learning Android programming using programming language kotlin which is the dominant programming language for Android development right now or so I believe. In the Sun but I also started to exercise regularly every day which I like to believe has positive effects on my health. I am trying to create cash-flow but it is a bit harder than one might initially expect. I have also invested approximately 100  dollars in Sony stocks and AMD stocks each. I am planning on selling or  at least getting rid of my collection of Lisca products, and I will probably give away my makeup tools and products. The approximate value of Lisca products  is 500 euros and approximate value of makeup products is approximately 100 euros.  The question is can I sell them for approximately similar amount, considering that they are more or less new and unused. The value of Lisca products is probably quite a bit more then estimated, because the initial approximation is only for the bras. It would be a lot easier to just give everything away but that would be a noticeable Financial loss. I have been trying to act more financially intelligent but it is much easier said than done. With the stock investments I’m planning to invest more and more to actually get the compound effect going, but due to unstable income it is a bit hard, which is why I’m trying to create some cash-flow. Mental health wise I am on new medication which, as far as I’ve noticed has made my sleep better but it doesn’t actually help me get to sleep, it just makes the quality of the sleep better, which is good, although the side-effects are quite … umm … diverse.  It is fair to assume that I am still not capable of creating and maintaining long-term friendships. My My way test somewhat stabilized that around 55 kg weight has somewhat stabilized at around 55 kg. I have also tried putting Linux on my main computer, but that hasn’t had positive effects, mostly because I use dual display setup and nVidia graphics card. I tried Manjaro, Debian and Ubuntu which had the best results.

I’ve probably missed some stuff, but that’s okay...


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