I quit my job...

And I don't know why...

Like, yeah, I was angry, tired and in pain, but when I got home, I just curled up and cried myself to sleep.
It's now been almost a week and it still hurts, specially because I don't have a solid reason why I quit.
I actually liked the job and I had the best coworkers I ever had...

Maybe I just dislike myself to the point where I don't allow myself to have nice things...

I don't know what to do, what step to take now...

I'll make some games for Android, if I'll figure out how to do that, maybe I'll be able to make few euros that way, I've also sent some mails to some companies, but none responded. 

I could probably get my job back, but I can't get myself to face my coworkers after I've quit, I can't just go back... Although my boss would probably allow me to come back...

I really don't know why I make my life so much harder for myself...

Help me :( 


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