Dies -> Diarium -> Diary -> 2022/04/10

Today I realised that even though I've lived with my mother my whole life, the way we look at money is different, from the point of view of how poor people look at money and how rich people look at money. Which one would think strange for two people how live/lived together. She asked me to buy a computer for her, so that she wouldn't have to leave her work, but I just couldn't do it, becase she handed me 1110€ in cash and when I told her that this is the most dangerous way to do things and that there are only two types of people that would walk around the world with such an amount of moeny, one being so rich that they don't care if anything happens and the other being mentally unstable not realising what they're doing. Even after explaining that to her she didn't understand. That made me realise that maybe she's been relatively rich her whole life, while I grew up poor and I've always been poor, even though I live with her, under the same roof. Even though at first I agreed to go get the laptop for her, a day later after having this conversation with her, and realising that she doesn't understand how much money this actually is, and more importantly how heavy it weighs on me, I returned the money (that she game me ~2min ago), and let her walk around the world with such amount of money.

It's just so shocking that someone that teaches Yoga and is studying psychotherapy isn't able to feel and understand the person that's in-front of them, the person that's their blood and has been around them for their whole life. It's like even though we lived together my whole life, we lived completely different lifes. Me a life of scarcity and her a life of abundance...

(There is also the fact that she didn't want to tell my why this money couldn't be just transfered to the store, but that's kinda irrelevant.)



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